Today I watched Fireproof with Kirk Cameron (and who doesn't love him) anyway, I LOVED it; because I LOVE cheesy movies. This one just happened to be Christian and not Mormon. It doesn't matter to me though, I'm in it for the clean and pure, make ya feel good love story. I'm not sure everyone would agree with me seeing as it's a little on the low budget side and like I said, cheesy. But to all those cheese fans out there, watch it, you'll LOVE it!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Christian Cheese...
cOmPLEte bOdy OVErhaUL
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Thou shalt not covet...
But, it could happen...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Stampin' Up...
You can fill it with candy or something else and give it to a friend.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Brain dead...that is how I would describe myself today!
Monday night at about 2:00 a.m. I started to panic because I wasn't falling asleep, I was having the feeling you get when you are almost too tired to sleep and it sends you into a panic attack because you are so uncomfortable and the panic attack always leads to not sleeping because I get too wound up.
But tonight, I was calm and relaxed! I laid down in our recliner with my heating pad so I wouldn't be in too much pain to sleep, I had a cold cloth over my eyes and was listening to reruns of Home Improvement, The Cosby Show, Fresh Prince, Full House...ya know, all the good/safe old shows. I laid there patiently as 1 o' clock came and went 3 o' clock crept past, and finally at 4:00 a.m. I decided that enough was enough!!!
So I went up to the kitchen and I did left over dishes, made bread, started laundry, my dad is finally getting the cookies he has been begging for and then I thought I would take a break and blog for a bit. Oh, I also made very extensive "To Do" lists that should take me through Christmas.
If I can't sleep tomorrow night and am 100% sure that I will go to the hospital and DEMAND to be tranqulized! If not I really think I might go crazy...not cute, loopy crazy, like PMS x10 crazy. They might have to put me down like they do animals when they go crazy.
Oh, both my parents just came down and no pancakes, eggs and bacon for them, they have to have cold cereal. I guess if I don't sleep tonight I'll make them a great breakfast tomorrow morning >sniff, sniff<
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
One of six joys in my life!
Don't worry Diana, I am sure you will get even
It's time to come out of the bookstore...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Chilax (chill and relax)...
I've posted this song before but it has been one of those months where I just need to close my eye's, play some chilaxing (chill and relaxing - all the 10 year olds are saying it) music and take some deep cleansing breaths. I'm imagining myself on a beach with a nice cool breeze blowing through the palm trees and the sound of the waves lapping up against my feet.
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Now that's better. I think I can handle life for a few more day's without being committed to the psych ward.
I saw this on a friends blog and I thought it was perfect for Valentines Day (although I am opposed to this holiday) . We should at least be able to counter act it with a national "Thank Heaven I can still be selfish, sleep in when ever I want, spend all my money on myself, take freedom for granted and have minimal responsibilities day." Just a thought...but that is a blog for another day.
I really loved this thought by Jeffrey R. Holland.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Miracles happen...once in a while
Monday, February 9, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Serious thinkin'
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Care Package
Fun at the that an oxymoron?
Can you believe that this was the view I had right outside my very room? What a beautiful mix of concrete, snow and cloudy skies! Boy was I lucky!
I must have been one of the few that had a bedside tray as amazing as this held so much stuff!!!! Let's see, there is my notebook, a few novels, my scriptures, a mug of water, a breathing contraption, Kleenex, some crackers and a heat pack on the very end! Oh, and lets not miss the view out my door. That red fire alarm kept my company many a long painful night. Boy was I lucky!
What a blessing to have a TV, VCR and DVD player! Here I am watching John and Kate + 8, I even had a house keeper come in and sneak a peek for about 30 min of an episode because it was here favorite show. As you can tell by the wall clock, it is 15 o'clock. It is very interesting to be in a place where time is everything but means nothing to you! Especially when taking pain medicine make counting impossible! But, boy was I lucky!
This is the just after a shower look, everyone in the biggest hospitals are going for it! I am also sporting a tan gown with burgundy spots which opens in the back for your own convenience! This specific gown is from the Evening Collection. Boy was I lucky! I can't believe I put this in forgiving people, I was really sick!
We all know that Shelley + hospital = chicken fiasco! But on the tray card it made everything much more clear. Allergies: Chicken Embryo Derived (meaning I can eat eggs). Boy was I lucky when only one person couldn't figure that out. My first meal, chicken.