Friday, February 27, 2009

Christian Cheese...

Yes, you heard me right. I did say Christian Cheese. Some of you may not know there is a difference between regular cheese and Christian Cheese, but there sure is. Today I had the opportunity to partake of Christian Cheese and I LOVED it! Anyone confused? Allow me to explain.

Today I watched Fireproof with Kirk Cameron (and who doesn't love him) anyway, I LOVED it; because I LOVE cheesy movies. This one just happened to be Christian and not Mormon. It doesn't matter to me though, I'm in it for the clean and pure, make ya feel good love story. I'm not sure everyone would agree with me seeing as it's a little on the low budget side and like I said, cheesy. But to all those cheese fans out there, watch it, you'll LOVE it!

cOmPLEte bOdy OVErhaUL

I have been feeling a LOT under the weather this last week so my mom finally convinced me to go to the doctor. Drum roll please...I have a sinus infection, ear infection, swollen glands, a bright red throat and a cough! Needless to say, this is why my face has hurt all week. I was starting to wonder if it was going to fall off. Then my good friend fibromyalgia decided to rear her ugly head! So to recap from the neck up I hurt from infection, from the neck down I hurt from fibromyalgia. But, I am getting to watch a lot of movies!!! I told the doctor that I just wanted a complete body overhaul and he had the gall to laugh at rude... Oh well, I guess that is what the next life is for right?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thou shalt not covet...

For those of you who have see the movie 'What About Bob'
I think it goes something like this:
"I want, I want, I want, I neeeeed, I neeeed"

Having one of these at the end of the day (Oh, who am I kidding, anytime day or night),
wouldn't that be just like heaven?
I guess I need to call myself to repentance because
I definitely covet this!!!!!

But, it could happen...


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Stampin' Up...

Today was a GREAT day! First of all, I slept...HURRAY!
Second, I woke up and only hurt a LITTLE bit.
And third, I went to a Stampin' Up party thrown by a friend from high school!
I also got to spend time with my AMAZING cousin Lanette!
Lanette, we need to go on more "dates"!
As you can see below, this is what we made at the party!

The tall box says "What can I say? You made my day!"
You can fill it with candy or something else and give it to a friend.
The little gift is a textured card with flowers and ribbon with a piece of chocolate tucked inside.
(I feel like I am the MC at a fashion show)
The card says "have a honey of a day"
It was the most fun because we got to use watercolor crayons!
I was looking at my friend Heather's blog and she had the
GREATEST little film clip and it was perfect for my day,
also it was one of my favorite conference talks.

Isn't that amazing! We all need to create, so there is no need for guilt!
Children will be fine, messes can wait, husbands...well I don't know anything about create something and enjoy every second of it!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Brain dead...that is how I would describe myself today!

It's 5:48 a.m. and I am up. You might be thinking that I got up early to get a head start on the day, or to see the sunrise, or to even cook my parents a wonderful breakfast! Let the truth be all think too highly of me. Those of you who have lived with me know I am NOT a morning person. But, this picture here to the left, yeah, that scary one, that's been me for the last two nights!!!

Monday night at about 2:00 a.m. I started to panic because I wasn't falling asleep, I was having the feeling you get when you are almost too tired to sleep and it sends you into a panic attack because you are so uncomfortable and the panic attack always leads to not sleeping because I get too wound up.

But tonight, I was calm and relaxed! I laid down in our recliner with my heating pad so I wouldn't be in too much pain to sleep, I had a cold cloth over my eyes and was listening to reruns of Home Improvement, The Cosby Show, Fresh Prince, Full House...ya know, all the good/safe old shows. I laid there patiently as 1 o' clock came and went 3 o' clock crept past, and finally at 4:00 a.m. I decided that enough was enough!!!

So I went up to the kitchen and I did left over dishes, made bread, started laundry, my dad is finally getting the cookies he has been begging for and then I thought I would take a break and blog for a bit. Oh, I also made very extensive "To Do" lists that should take me through Christmas.

If I can't sleep tomorrow night and am 100% sure that I will go to the hospital and DEMAND to be tranqulized! If not I really think I might go crazy...not cute, loopy crazy, like PMS x10 crazy. They might have to put me down like they do animals when they go crazy.

Oh, both my parents just came down and no pancakes, eggs and bacon for them, they have to have cold cereal. I guess if I don't sleep tonight I'll make them a great breakfast tomorrow morning >sniff, sniff<

It's a good thing that I am just DANG TOUGH!!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

One of six joys in my life!

If you don't know by all the posts I have done so far, this is my
little niece Ellie. Don't you just want to eat her up!!!
She was at my parents house the other day
and as Diana, my mom and I were talking she was busy doing her own
little thing. When it was time for her to go she handed my mom
a piece of paper.

Now to the untrained eye this kinda looks like a squashed
mosquito on a piece of paper....but it's not.
We asked Ellie what it was (not because we didn't know)
we just wanted to clarify it...yeah, that's right, clarify it.
and this sweet little angel says
"It is my teeny tiny grandma!"
(Sorry about the blurring issue)
How darling is that coming from a 3 year old!
And she did such a good job for making it that small!
Ellie, I LOVE YOU and would do ANYTHING for you!
You bring smiles on the saddest days and
laughter the rest of the time...oh, and
I really am glad that you discovered
that middle finger, your mom has to be so proud (when she isn't mortified!)
Don't worry Diana, I am sure you will get even
when mine are doing equally humiliating things.

It's time to come out of the bookstore...

This book has great significance in my life, it marks a time when I went from
reading books of higher learning and decided to focus only on
LDS Romance Novels!
I am not ashamed to admit this, in fact I embrace it and I am proud
to admit I have read every book by:
Anita Stansfield,
Michelle Ashman Bell,
Betsy Brannon Green
and so many, many more and I LOVE IT!
I am writing this with a few people in mind who are hiding their addiction to
LDS Romance Novels, in fact they can't even say LDS and romance in the same sentence,
they have to call them LDS fiction.
Well, to these few people I say liberate yourselves!!!
Hold your head high and come out of the bookstore!!!
It's nothing to be ashamed of!
We all deserve to have a guilty pleasure once in a while.
LDS Romance Novels and chocolate, girls that's just like having our own piece of Heaven!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Chilax (chill and relax)...

I've posted this song before but it has been one of those months where I just need to close my eye's, play some chilaxing (chill and relaxing - all the 10 year olds are saying it) music and take some deep cleansing breaths. I'm imagining myself on a beach with a nice cool breeze blowing through the palm trees and the sound of the waves lapping up against my feet.

AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Now that's better. I think I can handle life for a few more day's without being committed to the psych ward.


I saw this on a friends blog and I thought it was perfect for Valentines Day (although I am opposed to this holiday) . We should at least be able to counter act it with a national "Thank Heaven I can still be selfish, sleep in when ever I want, spend all my money on myself, take freedom for granted and have minimal responsibilities day." Just a thought...but that is a blog for another day.

I really loved this thought by Jeffrey R. Holland.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Miracles happen...once in a while

Sometimes at night when I can't sleep because of my insomnia,
I sit and make To Do lists.
I actually really enjoy doing this if you can believe it.
I usually end up with anywhere from 10-20 items that I want to get done the next day.
Well, when the morning comes I usually just end up really
disappointed because if I'm lucky I get one thing done because of how I am feeling!
I had a list of things that I wanted to accomplish and I did it!
I did the shopping, cleaned, made a great double batch
of my spaghetti sauce so we could freeze half of it for
another meal and...drum roll please, I even took a shower before I went out in public!
But what's even better is that I felt good enough to do it!!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009


These are two books that I recently read.
I am not sure why, but I am fascinated by these people!
Neither family is LDS, but there values (Especially the Duggar family) are
so close to mine and that is refreshing to read. Both families have t.v. shows
on The Learning Channel, and again I am fascinated to take a glimpse
into their lives and how they function.
John and Kate had twins and the sextuplets (6).
The Duggar family just had their 18th child.
Another great thing about these books is that is give you so many ideas
on how to manage a family budget, easy and affordable meals,
how to run a household with so many children
and other things along those lines, but
best of all, both families look to the Lord and trust in him to make
ends meet at the end of the month or to know how to help
each individual child when there are so many.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Serious thinkin'

I have been thinking so much today about how precious life is. I feel so lucky that I have the gospel in my life and the knowledge of eternal families. To know that this life is not the end, and how glorious the next life is. I was recently talking to one of my best friends and I told her that I am not a person that can say I am grateful for my trials and I am not sure I ever will be, but I am grateful for the things that I learn from them. I officially have a new new years resolution and that is to find the 'AMAZING' in everyone and everything!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Care Package

There is the sweetest lady in my ward!
She knew that I had been sick and in the hospital
so the other day she dropped by this little brighten your spirits
get well soon care package!
Inside were 7 gifts that could be opened all at once or one day at a time.
I needed it all at once!!!
There was a cute note, Ensign message or funny story attached to each one
just to lighten the load!!
I don't think she will ever know how much I needed that!
Bless you Heather!

Fun at the that an oxymoron?

I am sure that everyone knows by now that when I start a post with "my most recent stay at the hospital..." there is no surprise at what is coming. So for this post I would like to, I guess there is no other way to put it. My most recent stay at the hospital was interesting? Maybe adventurous? But more like BORING!!!! It is a good thing that I had my camera to capture all of the excitement.

Can you believe that this was the view I had right outside my very room? What a beautiful mix of concrete, snow and cloudy skies! Boy was I lucky!

I must have been one of the few that had a bedside tray as amazing as this held so much stuff!!!! Let's see, there is my notebook, a few novels, my scriptures, a mug of water, a breathing contraption, Kleenex, some crackers and a heat pack on the very end! Oh, and lets not miss the view out my door. That red fire alarm kept my company many a long painful night. Boy was I lucky!

What a blessing to have a TV, VCR and DVD player! Here I am watching John and Kate + 8, I even had a house keeper come in and sneak a peek for about 30 min of an episode because it was here favorite show. As you can tell by the wall clock, it is 15 o'clock. It is very interesting to be in a place where time is everything but means nothing to you! Especially when taking pain medicine make counting impossible! But, boy was I lucky!

This is the just after a shower look, everyone in the biggest hospitals are going for it! I am also sporting a tan gown with burgundy spots which opens in the back for your own convenience! This specific gown is from the Evening Collection. Boy was I lucky! I can't believe I put this in forgiving people, I was really sick!

We all know that Shelley + hospital = chicken fiasco! But on the tray card it made everything much more clear. Allergies: Chicken Embryo Derived (meaning I can eat eggs). Boy was I lucky when only one person couldn't figure that out. My first meal, chicken.

You might be wondering by now why I feel so lucky? Well I will tell you the secret. While I was in the hospital I saw a commercial showing a hospital in Africa and WOW, that was BAD!!! Thank Heaven I am home!!!