Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I love to see the temple...

I was so excited to be able to go to the temple
today. I have a great friend and she
and I go every week but since I have been sick
for 4 months we haven't been going.
It was so nice to get back in the habit of doing that.
What a marvelous feeling to walk in the doors and leave all the
stress of the world behind.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Every night before my parents and I go to bed
we read a page form the book "Stand A Little Taller"
by Gordon B. Hinckley. This is the book
where there is a scripture and a quote that
goes along with each day of the year.
Tonight was definitely a topic I love and needed to be reminded of.
"Be not faithless, but be believing, in your capacity as a son or
daughter of God to learn so that you may go forth to
serve and make a contribution to the society of which you will become a part.
Look up and go forward!"
The scripture was Moroni 7 :33
"And Christ hath said: If ye will have faith in me
ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me."
I think that it is so important to be reminded about faith,
I know in my life it is the foundationthat gets me
through everything...but there were several years
I chose to do things on my own and of course
Reba has a quote that is great for this situation
"Your dumber than a 10 pound sack of stupid"
(I absolutely love that, it is hilarious)
I do know now that FAITH will get me through everything!!
"Look up and go forward!!"

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dear Anonymous

For as much as you have judged me, it seems to me that if you knew me and had something to say you would at least have the guts to leave your name instead of cowering behind the title of "anonymous". Speaking of judging, have you ever heard of the Bible? There is a great scripture in Matthew 7:1 that says "Judge not, that ye be not judged." Pretty interesting concept right? And, if you are an LDS individual I have the perfect message to share with you:
"I pray that each of us will be a little more kind,
a little more thoughtful, a little more courteous."
~President Gordon B. Hinckley
The purpose of my blog is to keep in touch with my FRIENDS and to express my own thoughts and feelings to them, whatever they may be. But even better than that, I decide who gets to leave comments and who gets to be silenced! Good-bye.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Forget all your worries....

I can't remember which season of Lost this is on, but there is a scene where Juliette is in her house on the island and she has realized that she will never be going home. So she goes and puts this song on her record player, and totally breaks down! I thought the tune was catchy even though it is a golden oldy! I haven't thought about it in months until I heard it today while I was driving my dad in his truck and couldn't get it out of my head. At about the 2 min. mark in the song I almost had an asthma attack because I was laughing so hard...we all need to laugh that hard some times.

I wish I could forget all my worries like the song says, but being here in Sugar City I would have a long drive to anywhere that had a "downtown"! It has been one of those weeks when I/my mom, feel like life has changed significantly and it seems the weight of the world has fallen on our shoulders. One of my favorite shows to watch is Reba and she really put things into perspective when she said "sometimes life is just one crap storm after another"! I have been talking to myself A LOT lately and what I find myself saying is "Heavenly Father, I have total faith that with your help I can make it through this situation...but I just can't take it any more!" (I did ask a wise friend and she said that even though I think that I still do have faith).

I found myself on my knee's the other night pleading with my Heavenly Father to give me the strength I need to make it through each day, the health to be able to serve with all my heart and in all the ways I want to, the patience I need to always be kind, the inspiration to help someone(s) who has had something they LOVE taken away (my dad can no longer drive and my mom has had extra trials), and the energy in there to find some bright spots of peace and happiness! And then the answer ALWAYS comes:

Sunday, March 22, 2009

An emotional day...

I am so grateful to have the gospel in my life!!!
Today has been one of those days where I have thought a lot about
what my life would be like if I didn't have the hope that the gospel brings.
I cannot thank my Heavenly Father enough for this blessing!
I only hope I can have the energy to share this blessing more often.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Homegrown Hospitality

Do I have the best parents or what.....

So I have been a little depressed lately because of all the health
problems that seem to just keep coming with so much force,
one right after another! It seems like I barley start to feel good after an illness
and then I'm back in the hospital again.
With having illnesses and no breaks between them,
my fibromyalgia is worse, I am in pain all the time,
I end up stuck inside and have felt like I was in a downward spiral
that seemed it would never end.
It is also so hard dealing with my dad's health problems during this time!
But, the other day my parents (I'm sure my mom) surprised me with flowers!!!!
Daisies are my favorite flowers but to get such beautiful Gerber daisies
was an extra special treat!!!
I feel so blessed to have this time with my parents!
Even though I did have a very small nervous breakdown the other day,
I hope they know how much I love and appreciate all they do to support me!
I was so lucky to get my dad to be the model holding the flowers, while
my mom entertained the cat so they weren't destroyed!
This is the view from the top.
Then I had to get a picture of each angle just so I could remember
the radiant color of each one of the flowers!!

I think I have a really dumb cheesy smile on my face right now...I must be feeling better!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Brian and Sarah....

First, I would just like to state for the record that I know
neither Brian or Sarah would approve of the attention I am giving
them by doing this, so I am apologizing in advance!
When they flew in to get married we
had a poster hanging on our garage of them with balloons
and all of that fun stuff! Of course they made us take it down, but we did keep it.
We decided that a great resting place for it would be in our basement.
We have a big hole in our entertainment center.
When we got a new t.v. it didn't fit into the hole so we have just been staring
at a blank space until a few weeks ago when I had a brilliant idea!
Now this is what we get to stare at every night!

And of course I had to get a close up for posterity sake!
We are counting down the days until you get here!!!
Love ya!

Monday, March 16, 2009

I changed my mind...

I have many friends who aren't registered viewers so I have decided that I will just have to read the comments before they appear for everyone to see. Maybe that will be better.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I was just coming to check on friends blogs and I looked at my last post and noticed that I had a new comment. It was from an anonymous user (I am assuming it was anonymous because they didn't have the guts to say it to my blog...er, face...uh, I don't know). But I am so sad that someone would think so badly of me that they would say the things they said. I am also very hurt. So I have decided to make my blog only available to registered viewers. If that doesn't work I'll go private. And to Mr/Mrs Anonymous it's a good thing Relief society was on being a peace maker today! The wrath of Shelley is very scary...

Friday, March 13, 2009


YES, THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME! So the doctor said that there is fluid in my lungs. He also said he thinks there might be some problems with my vocal cords because of all the coughing I do. He said to fix it I would have to have some kind of surgery down at the University of Utah. Can you imagine what I would do if my parents suggested they take out my vocal cords all together!! I have been a motor mouth since I was1...I am amazingly gifted! Although I do know some sign language. He also said that to fix it you have to have a surgery down at the University of Utah. But, since he is not sure about it, I think we will wait until the insurance kicks in, maybe next year about this time...if I'm lucky!Darn that blasted Government. So I am on 80 mg of prednisone (still can't spell it) and every 3 days I taper down 10 mgs. I also have to give myself insulin shots again. Then there was that SUPER DUPER SHOT I got to lessen the pain of feeling like someone is stabbing me in the chest with a knife every time I dare to take a breath. I am definitely rejoicing today!

Who needs lungs anyway...

ME apparently, but alas they are not working again.
So I am awaiting the dreaded doctors appointment at 1:40.
Hopefully I will be coming home from it instead of taking the
heart-wrenching drive up the hill to the big house!
HUM lets think of better thoughts, oh here's a good one,
I don't know why I thought of this!
Stop looking here if you are faint at heart!!!
Oh well, I am thinking on the positive side and thinking
I will be home blogging tonight!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday of worship....

Well, today wasn't the type of sunday that I would usually like to have because it was me, with the flu, spending a lot of time in the bathroom! But I did find this and I really liked it so I thought I would post it because I didn't get mu..uh..any church today.

Love you MOM...

I am so in love with Gerber Daisies that I can hardly stand it. My mom had a bit of a rough week last week and so this is what I bought her. They were the most beautiful orange color and this picture doesn't seem to capture it at all! But I was so excited to have little bit of spring in our house that I just couldn't help myself!

Monday, March 2, 2009


I just wanted to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY again!
You are so SWEET and I cannot wait until you get here!
My little brother is SO lucky to have you in his life,
and we all LOVE that you are a part of our family!
(Hey Brian, your cool too.)

So, ya had a bad day?

Me too! But...
ya know those songs that
just have a way of making you feel better?
Well, this is one of mine.
It has had an extra special meaning over the last few months.
Yet somehow when I listen to it I feel better.
It even kinda makes me chuckle!
I don't know about any of you but I sure feel better now.
Life has so many ups and downs,
it's starting to make me dizzy...or maybe that is the
sinus infection...maybe a little of both :D
But isn't it great to have family and friends that are their
to boost us up during the down times.
What a blessing!!