Thursday, March 26, 2009

Forget all your worries....

I can't remember which season of Lost this is on, but there is a scene where Juliette is in her house on the island and she has realized that she will never be going home. So she goes and puts this song on her record player, and totally breaks down! I thought the tune was catchy even though it is a golden oldy! I haven't thought about it in months until I heard it today while I was driving my dad in his truck and couldn't get it out of my head. At about the 2 min. mark in the song I almost had an asthma attack because I was laughing so hard...we all need to laugh that hard some times.

I wish I could forget all my worries like the song says, but being here in Sugar City I would have a long drive to anywhere that had a "downtown"! It has been one of those weeks when I/my mom, feel like life has changed significantly and it seems the weight of the world has fallen on our shoulders. One of my favorite shows to watch is Reba and she really put things into perspective when she said "sometimes life is just one crap storm after another"! I have been talking to myself A LOT lately and what I find myself saying is "Heavenly Father, I have total faith that with your help I can make it through this situation...but I just can't take it any more!" (I did ask a wise friend and she said that even though I think that I still do have faith).

I found myself on my knee's the other night pleading with my Heavenly Father to give me the strength I need to make it through each day, the health to be able to serve with all my heart and in all the ways I want to, the patience I need to always be kind, the inspiration to help someone(s) who has had something they LOVE taken away (my dad can no longer drive and my mom has had extra trials), and the energy in there to find some bright spots of peace and happiness! And then the answer ALWAYS comes:

1 comment:

Bridgette said...

I love that song! It is one of those classics. The video was stellar. I especially liked the circling faces. :)