Monday, January 12, 2009


I am STILL sick! It has been almost 6 weeks now. I am so tired of it. I just want to be able to get out of bed (relatively pain free) and go about my day like everyone else. It is so frustrating being sick all of the time. I can usually handle it better than this but I really wanted to go to the temple last week and I couldn't, and I have missed church for a few weeks and those things together make my spiritual reservoir feel like it is running on empty. But, I am going to follow my resolution and Doubt Not, Fear Not! Who knows, my antibiotic could kick in any day now. And maybe my fibromyalgia medication will start working better and MAYBE everything will work out the way Heavenly Father wants it to...yes, I am sticking to that one!! So, my message to myself is to NEVER take good health for granted, because, in my opinion, if you have your health, you have "almost" everything! Thank you blogging world for letting me vent my frustration. I feel much better now!!!


jenifer said...

what a blessing that you're clot-free... and, there has to be something good about sitting on the Lazyboy all day... hmmm. Have you tried to read books by Georgette Heyer? She's THE BEST. Her books are similar to Jane Austin... the first chapter is hard to get through with new characters and fancy language... but keep going- you'll LOVE it. If it's too hard to read, I have been downloading books from amazon to listen to on my ipod. My favorite so far is "A Good Woman" by Danielle Steel (yes it's a romance, but it's clean) or The Last Lecture by Randy Pausche... Seriously, you'll LOVE them!!
How's that fleece blanket? AND I seriously recommend the nose bidet... you GOTTA try it to clear up those snuffles...
that's all i got for you.
besides love and prayers...
hope you feel better soon!!

Morgen said...

I am sorry you are still so sick! That is no fun at all. I hate that it takes bad health to make me appreciate good health. I will pray for a speedy recovery for you!

Al said...


Some of us are just paranoid enough to be glad for good health all the time. :D I'm so sorry, love. I wish you and I could go for a walk down our street and talk things over. Hang in there. It always gets better.