Monday, September 13, 2010

One more thing...

I wanted two mention one more thing. There are a few people in my blogging world who I like to think of as "reality writers". They talk about the good, the bad and the ugly, and I love reading their blogs!!! We all know that life isn't always sunshine and roses, there are crap storms now and then, at least for me and two other people I know. It may be more fun to read all about the good things, but I'm all about the whole truth to a certain extent (don't worry family, I'll try not to embarrass you). I found that it is more liberating to write what is on my mind whether it's good or bad. So I hope I never offend anyone with some truthful writing about the dramatic comedy called "MY LIFE".

Love you all :o)


Kyle, Amy, and Joshua said...

Love you too Shelley! You're a trooper! I mean that in the best possible way...and go ahead...embarrass me. It'll brighten someone else's day! :)

Debbie Murdock said...

Boy, if ya can't be honest than what do you have!!

Al said...

It's so true. There are some unique circumstances that don't allow for total candor on my blog, but I LOVE reading blogs that are candid like that. You should check out my friend Debbie's blog:
She writes like that, very bold, very here-it-is-folks.

Hope you're feeling good!