Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I know that everyone does stupid things, has stupid accidents or embarrassing moments, although I would have to contend I may have the biggest list!

Lets take a gander through last night. I get up to go to the bathroom (pretty normal right). I am finally standing and sitting on my own and I am fairly confident with my own abilities. Walking back to my chair I step on a pillow and start to fall, and in what seemed like slow motion I'm yelling (in my head) hhoollyy ccrraapp tthhiiss iiss ggooiinngg ttoo hhuurrt!!!! As my knee's hit the ground and my stomach hit the end of the recliner all I could think of was did I just bust open my gut, and are all of my innards now outtards.

I'll spare all the details of getting off the floor, crying, back into the chair, crying, a mother who makes everything better, more crying, a little dry heaving, pain meds and laying sleepless and in pain for the next 6 hours. I am happy to announce that all organs are in their proper order and the doctor said I should be ok but, if I start bleeding to go strait to the ER, otherwise, nothin' to worry about...


1 comment:

Amy said...

Scary!! Be careful!!!