Monday, February 28, 2011

Gee ball

Here we have it, the future of Gee basketball.
Jeff's girls definitely have skill!

Cambria guarding
and taking that all important foul shot!

Hailey isn't quite as serious.

She tends to go with the flow

Jeff coaches Cambria, and was doing the scoring
this day for Hailey's team. He is a very dedicated dad!

It was a high scoring game!
Both of the games were so much fun to watch.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Weekend fun!

Now this is what I call a weekend of fun!
My cousin Kelli is an amazing hair stylist
and she specialized in color. Being the very sweet person
she is, she offered to do everyones hair (no charge) and I
gladly accepted!! Kelli assured that my hair would look like
it had been kissed by the sun...but at first I thought she was going
for the skunk look, strait down the middle!
It turned out beautiful and I love it, I have been kissed!

Kelli, my aunt Colene and my uncle Ron came down for the blessing
of their niece/granddaughter Claire Joyce Graham.
Claire's parents, Annie and Garth, are going
to BYU-I and while they have been here they have felt more
like a brother an sister to me than a cousin and her husband.

The day after the blessing those still around got together and had dinner and
played games. My mom is in the pink, then it's Garth and Annie,
Colene and Ron, me (just got out of the hospital 2 day's before and I was
still SO sick) and then there were Garth's parents. We had so much fun,
and what a group of amazing people!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Books for dummies...

I am embarrassed to say that I have had my laptop for about 9 months and I still can't figure it all out. So yes I bought the book Windows 7 for dummies. I have so many pictures to post but they won't download. There will be an explosion of pictures when I figure it out. Just give me another oh, 9 months :0)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Confessions: Do you really know me??

Do you ever wonder if people would really like you if they knew some of your weird, strange or quirky secrets?? I know that "true" friends always over look the weird, strange or quirky, so cheers to true friends.


~I am scared to buy bananas. On National Geographic they said that giant jungle spiders get into banana boxes that are shipped into the US and when you innocently try to pick up a bunch you could die a painful death from one bite of this 8 legged monster. I hate spiders!!

~I religiously watch survival shows because I am completely petrified I am going to get into a freak accident and get eaten by a bear, attacked by a shark, kidnapped at gunpoint, locked in a trunk, lost in the desert, in a plane crash, lost at sea, get stranded on a glacier, you get the picture. I want to be prepared because with my luck "freak accidents" are definitely in my future!

~When I am going to cry, just before the tears come, I get a sharp stabbing pain in my left nostril, go figure.

~After 32 years of doctor appointments and hospital stays I still get extremely nervous and have heart palpitations waiting for the doctor walk into the room, and I still cry every time I find out I have to go to the hospital. But, then I think about visitors (and gifts) and I get over it pretty quick :0).

~What makes me most happy other than being with family, extended family and friends? Laughing. Finding humor in how chaotic, stressful, crazy and unbelievable life can be. This doesn't always happen, but at least once a day I have to laugh at how much life can suck at times.

~Most embarrassing moment? Surprisingly NOT the plunger story, and that is all I'm going to say!

~I'm a reality show junkie (don't judge me)! I love watching the food network (learning cooking/baking secrets), HGTV (learning how to decorate) and lots of others shows I will never admit too :0)

~Most common dream? Parking my car somewhere and never being able to find it again and going on an amazing vacation but forgetting to pack!

I think I've confessed enough for one day, but i am sure there will be more in the future!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Great news

I know that this won't sound as cool as to other people as it does to me, but today is the first day I feel good in probably a month. I am actually going to do my hair today and maybe put on a little lipstick to bring out my wild self (I hope it doesn't set off an asthma attack)! So, to celebrate, I'm going to WAL-MART >collective aaahhh<. I may even go to Deseret Book, even though that is a very dangerous place for people who are "shopping challenged".

And...that's not all, I am proud to announce that after several months I have pretty much learned to use my (relatively) new camera. Now this means I can resume my love of photography. Most of you know this because I say it all the time, but I did win a high school photography contest.

The End