Thursday, June 25, 2009

That Dam Marathon...

Every year in Rexburg they have the Teton Dam Marathon.
They have tons of other races there also, and as I was waiting for Diana
to finish the Marathon I ran into a 'Flock of Gees!'
These are my cousins running a long relay.
I didn't even know they were doing it until the announcer said
and here comes the 'flock of Gees' and I
remembered that they used that name last year so I snapped a quick
shot and it actually turned out really well.
So, here are Marc, Melinda, Jared and Elisa!
Way to go!!!!!!
My sister Diana ran with her friends Stephen and Jodi Parker,
and her brother-in-law Monty! These are the Kids holding sign's
awaiting the time they would cross the finish line.
And here they come, only an hour later than they thought.
Diana had hurt her knee during the run, but her
side kicks wouldn't leave her no matter how slow
she had to go at times! What a great group of friends!

(L-R) Diana, Monty, Jodi, Stephen
Together after just crossing the finish line!
It doesn't look to me like they ran a Dam Marathon!

Diana, in all her glory. She was so happy, I think she was
numb by then!

I was definitely a proud sister!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Fortune cookie speaks the truth...

Last night we ordered out for Fongs - Chinese food (I love it)! I wasn't feeling well yesterday so I didn't open my fortune cookie until just now. I think this is the only fortune cookie that has ever had even a remote possibility of coming true. But, this one is true!!!!

This year your highest priority
will be your family!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The big 39...anniversary that is!

Aren't my mom and dad amazing!!
June 12th the celebrated their 39th anniversary.
Because we don't know what the future holds with my dads health,
we are celebrating any and every occasion with gusto!

We had a small family BBQ and then Tanner serenaded them with
a song on his guitar - Hey There Delilah.
He was AMAZING!!!! And he taught himself to play!!!
Then the gifts began!!!
Brian and Sarah sent a beautiful heart shaped plaque with
this scripture engraved in it. D&C 84:88 "I will go before your face...I
will be on your right hand and on your spirit shall be in your hearts,
and mine angels round about bear you up"
Then we blew up their wedding picture, my mom was
so funny because she was embarrassed that she had the same
hair style today that she had on her wedding day! She was so cute!!
After this, it was so perfect because my mom commented that
this was about the time their wedding reception started...then
the door bell rang. SURPRISE! We had planned an open house for them
with just a few friends and family.

These are 2 of my dad's sisters Ann and Marilyn.
Two of his brothers also were there, but they left before I
thought to get my camera out.
(L-R) Sister Burton, Diana, Ellie, Casey, Garth and Anne.
Garth and Anne are helping us with our garden this year,
they are truly angels sent from heaven!!!

Mom and dad with their LONG time friends Gil and Gwen Kerbs!

Michael and Melanie Kennelly...I totally love them!!
And then the evening came to a great end!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Wouldn't it be amazing if we could all
make those we come in contact with better
and happier when they left us??? What would the world become!
This is my favorite website, in case any of you
haven't figured that out yet!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

New Motto

My sister got this motto from a friend of hers and now I am kinda taking it from her. But the saying is I CAN DO HARD THINGS! I have really seen that in my life and I think my friends will agree, I can do hard things!!! What I like so much about it is that it reminds me of never giving up. Life can be so tough at times BUT, as long as you are still trying, YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS TOO!
Go Forth and Conquer!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Church Callings

My calling in my ward is Relief Society Publications...something or other.
Anyway, when ever we have an activity I make 2 posters to hang in the church,
and then I make invitations for all the sisters in the ward.
This calling is perfect for me because I LOVE to do all of these
crafty things! I have been doing this for over a year and this is
the first time I have thought to take a picture. So, if you can't tell, we are
having a Luau. Don't you all wish you could come...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

This is my 100th blog....

(if you sit and look at that word for a while, it looks really weird!)
For my 100th blog I am celebrating the NEW in life!
Things like this:

This is my new wild flower grove. I used the entire box
of seeds, without reading the instructions (the box could have covered my entire yard, oops)
I am anticipating LOTS of wild flowers!!!!!

Now this new beauty is our garden!!
My cousin Anne and her husband Garth
totally saved us this year by volunteering to help us plant
and weed it (and of course we are giving them half of the goods), so I guess we could call it
an extended family garden! Things are even starting to grow!
I did forget to take pictures of our old flowers beds in the
back that we turned into two mini gardens!
I think I am going to can food this year (maybe).

Our lilacs have already come and gone, but here is a picture
I managed to get. Sorry, it's blurry.

I don't have pictures yet but I am also in the process of redoing my bedroom. New paint, new comforter, new curtains...I love new! Pictures will be coming soon (hopefully). I also have new things coming to my life. New opportunities, new adventures, new miracles, new goals, new habits, but best of all... A NEW FOUND ZEST FOR LIFE!!!!! But, I do know none of this would have been possible without the help of my Heavenly Father!!!