Monday, April 26, 2010

The new me...

So does everyone like my new look? Ok, so it doesn't REALLY look like me, but it matches my situation! I went to the doctor today thinking I was going to be scheduling surgery. I have a great doctor and he told me about other options I could choose. We decided to go with a shot, no big deal right? Well, this is a magic shot. Today my doctor put my body into menopause! Yes, I did say menopause (now does the picture make sense). But hey, what's 9 months of hot flashes and mood swings with night sweats to top it off. The doctor and my mom thought it would be a good idea to put me up in a hotel for a week because apparently the first 7 days people don't adjust well to the hormonal changes. But, if any of you see me and I have a look of rage on my face you might want to stay away...that was fair warning to all!! :o)


Debbie Murdock said...

If you can avoid surgery at any cost it's worth a try. Sometimes when you're pregnant you go through the same stages too...more poor husband I think wants to move out of the house from all the hormonal changes not to mention he's freezing his butt off at night because I'm too hot.

Kyle, Amy, and Joshua said...

hang in there! I hope you adjust well and quickly...

p.s. where do you always find such fabulous pictures to put on your blog? they illustrate perfectly!!!