Chocolate REALLY helps!
(Feel free to send some or LOTS)
I was in Wal-Mart and in a huge hurry trying to get some material for my achievement day activity which was in 2 hours and I was WAY behind. Well the fabric lady was on her lunch break so I waited
35 minutes for them to find someone to cut the stupid fabric! Well I was getting angry and starting to cry so I walked around the counter, laid out the fabric, got the scissors and was ready to cut my own fabric! With scissors in hand someone came up behind me and said can I help you (in a mean and irritated voice). I said "well, it's about time someone did I been waiting for 35 minutes!" Then I started to cry (I don't like these hormones)!
So, I would like to apologize to Brittany, and say I'm sorry you were the first victim of a hormonal incident. But the doctor said the first week is going to be the worst and then my body will adjust to all the changes and things will get better...I sure hope he is right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or, heaven help us all for the next 9 months...