Saturday, November 21, 2009

Yes, I would love

So a few weeks ago I was given a new calling. A member of our bishopric was at our house helping us split some wood and when he got there he said those (sometimes) dreaded words "I need to talk to you before I leave." Right then and there I knew it...I was getting a new calling. So for about two hours I got to wonder and pray, hoping upon all hopes that it was anything but the adult Sunday school teacher. So when the time came I was asked to be the Achievement Day Leader for the 10-11 year old girls. I happily accepted knowing this would be much less stress than Sunday school. Then I went into our house and I thought for a minute. I went to my mom and calmly asked what in the world is Achievement Day??? It's been a LONG time since I have been in the primary and I really had no idea what I had just agreed too. That's ok though, aren't we supposed to go on faith anyway? But, I am totally excited!!!


Debbie Murdock said...

You're going to have so much fun!! This was a new thing to me too...ya know us oldies didn't get the cool programs like this...but I had so much fun the little time that I had with the girls. Good luck with everything!!!

Bridgette said...

Congrats on the new calling! My mom loved being the achievement day leader and really got close to the girls. I'm sure you'll do great.